Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yeah, right!

Imagine my surprise to happen upon John McCain talking economics on TV recently. Not only was he speaking and sounding suspiciously intelligent, but the interviewer(who shall remain nameless) was nodding his head as if John McCain was deciphering the Da Vinci Code. My jaw dropped, my eyes widened, and my fingers became lax around the remote. Here right in front of my eyes was Mr. "The Fundamentals of Our Economy are Strong" spewing out more gab and rubbish for the unsuspecting public to gobble up. I turned the volume up, just in case I was hearing things. I wasn't; bull-crap about the stimulus package was tumbling out of his mouth.

Not so fast Mr. LoserMan; we have your number.

OK; in case anyone missed the several opinions and rehashes of why he lost the election, his lack of knowledge of our (read: common man) economy was one of those reasons. Additionally, it was WAY up top. Aside from the train-wreck that was, sorry is, Sarah Palin, this could be the "IT" that cost him the Leader-of-the Free-World position. So, as far as I can tell, anything John McCain tells me about how ridiculous the stimulus package is, just sounds like Sore-Loser speak to me. Maybe if he hadn't said that the fundamentals of our economy are strong RIGHT before major banks keeled over...hmmm. Unfortunately, no do-overs were allowed and this statement quickly became the dumbest thing ever uttered. Only the infamous Bushisms could overshadow it.

Now, I only got a B+ in the only economics class I took, so I am no guru on this subject and I am not about to pretend that I can talk shop about it, but any moron could see that the economy had flat-lined and recessed. Well, anyone, but John McCain . Furthermore, most people could see through the objections of the Republicans right before the recent stimulus package was signed. It was more of a political wager to oppose the president and no one seemed to genuinely care about really saving the economy. Maybe they really believed that the fundamentals were strong...who knows? These Republicans! Here one day, there the next; it's tough to keep up with the hypocrisy.

For the average American, the status of the economy is measured by the state of their wallets and check books. I doubt anyone will be calling John McCain for help with balancing their check books. Johnny-boy and his band of idiots can keep flapping their gums all they want; each time they talk all we hear is "Blah I Blah Am Blah So Blah Stupid Blah to Blah think Blah Americans Blah can't Blah see Blah through Blah this."

How about we say it for the rest of America; you know to make sure the big-wigs REALLY get it : You are Stupid to think we are all Stupid. And, uhm, good luck with that whole redeem-yourself-from-the-stupid-pile thing: I hear Sarah Palin would like to run for president in 2012.


1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately for this nation, McCain is not alone but only one in a group of morons who go by the collective name of Republicans. Just how anyone can propose the continuation of the same principles that have been tested and failed for the last eight years is beyond me. And to think they can talk about the size of the rescue bill while they voted for a war that os costing us over ten billion dollars a month. There is Stupid and there is STUPID.
